Returns Policy

Over the term, as you will purchase products from us, we strive to make our customers satisfied. If you are having trouble with any product/items services or believe it is defective, and/or you’re feeling frustrated, then please sent mail to our support email/seller email to report about your defective product information and our team will assist you as soon as possible. For a damaged extension or template, we will request from you a screenshot/video of the issue to be sent to our support service.

  1. As you cancel the product / item due to any of the unsatisfactory reason. You cannot be use the cancelled product any more if you have got refund.
  2. There will be no refunds & cancellation charges on you if you may cancel your account due to any reason at any time.
  3. If the product (after update) is still damaged, we may offset the amount of your refund by the diminished value of the product.
  4. Return shall be eligible for the non-faulty products & refunds reflect by 14 days in your account.
    Exchange Policy

    Over the term, exchange policy document making to easy exchange policy. As customer/consumer will purchase products from us, we strive to make our customers satisfied. If you are having some difference in size or quality with any product/items or believe it is not the same which you have ordered, and/or you’re feeling to exchange it , then please sent mail to our support email to report about your exchange product information and our team will assist you as soon as possible. For exchange item discrepancy, we will request you to share a screenshot/video of the issue to be sent to our support email id.

    1. As you purchase the product/ item & find any of the unsatisfactory reason like size/ colour, you can exchange it. We are having easy exchange policy to exchange the product/item due to unsatisfactory reason in some limited reasons like sizes/ quality only. If found any discrepancy/difference into the product/ item which you may wanted to exchange to the concern initial seller.
    2. The exchange can be available only on the purchased original product only.
    3. The products must be in good conditions only & the product must not be damaged/hamper in anyhow.
    4. The product should be same conditions which you have received. The product can be used by you.
    5. If the product (after update) is still damaged, we may reject the exchange of damages product & can’t be exchange.
    6. Exchange shall be eligible for the non-faulty products &done as shortly possible by the seller. And some changes may applicable on you depends on the return policy.

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